Bootstrap datetimepicker default date overridden by max date Using an example of MinDate or MaxDate and DefaultDate .... <script type = "text/javascript" > $ ( function () { $ ( '#enddatepicker' ). datetimepicker ({ minDate : moment (). add ( 1 , 'd' ). toDate (), defaultDate : moment (). add ( 1 , 'M' ). toDate (), format : 'DD.MM.YYYY' }); }); </script> Looking at the code on GitHub (line 1674) if you set the option useCurrent to false, your default may not be overridden: <script type = "text/javascript" > $ ( function () { $ ( '#enddatepicker' ). datetimepicker ({ useCurrent : false , minDate : moment (). add ( 1 , 'd' ). toDate (), defaultDate : moment (). add ( 1 , 'M' ). toDate (), format : 'DD.MM.YYYY' }); }); </script>
Hbase installation on ubuntu In this tutorial we will see how to install Hbase on ubuntu 16.04 by doing the following steps Step 1: Before installing Hbase, you need to First ensure that java8 is installed: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer Verify that java is correctly installed: java -version Configuring Java Environment sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default Step 2: Ensure that you successfully installed hadoop on your machine Check this link if you need to know how to install it. Step 3: Download Apache Hbase Go to downloads page Choose hbase file: hbase-1.2.5-bin.tar.gz Step 4: Complete the installation process Move the downloaded file “ hbase-1.2.5-bin.tar.gz ” to your home (~) Compress it : tar -zxvf hbase-1.2.5-bin.tar.gz Edit using this co...