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Showing posts from October, 2018

Hbase installation on ubuntu

Hbase installation on ubuntu In this tutorial we will see how to install Hbase on ubuntu 16.04 by doing the following steps Step 1: Before installing Hbase, you need to First ensure that java8 is installed: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer Verify that java is correctly installed: java -version       Configuring Java Environment sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default    Step 2: Ensure that you successfully installed hadoop on your machine  Check this link if you need to know how to install it.  Step 3: Download Apache Hbase Go to downloads page Choose hbase file: hbase-1.2.5-bin.tar.gz Step 4: Complete the installation process Move the downloaded file “ hbase-1.2.5-bin.tar.gz ” to your home (~) Compress it :  tar -zxvf hbase-1.2.5-bin.tar.gz Edit using this co...

Hive Installation on Ubuntu

Hive Installation on Ubuntu: Please follow the below steps to install  Apache Hive  on Ubuntu: Step 1:   Download  Hive tar. Command:  wget Step 2:    Extract the  tar  file. Command:  tar -xzf apache-hive-2.1.0-bin.tar.gz Command:  ls Step 3:  Edit the  “.bashrc”  file to update the environment variables for user. Command:   sudo gedit .bashrc Add the following at the end of the file: # Set HIVE_HOME export HIVE_HOME=/home/hduser/apache-hive-2.1.0-bin export PATH=$PATH:/home/ hduser /apache-hive-2.1.0-bin/bin Also, make sure that hadoop path is also set. Run below command to make the changes work in same terminal. Command:  source .bashrc Step 4:  Check hive version. Command:  hive --version Step 5:    Create  Hive  directories within  HDFS . T...

How to Setup Hadoop Multi-Node Cluster on Ubuntu

How to Setup Hadoop Multi-Node Cluster on Ubuntu In this tutorial, we will learn how to setup a multi-node hadoop cluster on Ubuntu 16.04. A hadoop cluster which has more than 1 datanode is a multi-node hadoop cluster, hence, the goal of this tutorial is to get 2 datanodes up and running. 1) Prerequisites Ubuntu 16.04 Hadoop-2.7.3 Java 7 SSH For this tutorial, I have two  ubuntu 16.04  systems, I call them  master  and  slave  system, one datanode will be running on each system. IP address of  Master  -> IP address of  Slave  -> On Master Edit hosts file with master and slave ip address. sudo gedit /etc/hosts Edit the file as below, you may remove other lines in the file. After editing save the file and close it. On Slave Edit hosts file with master and slave ip address. sudo gedit /etc/hosts Edit the file as below, you may remove other lines in the fi...